

有一群密蘇里大學的Assistant Professors(本身都是twilighters),



We are a group of media researchers (and Twilight devotees) at the University of Missouri-

Columbia who are interested in researching the cultural phenomenon known as Twilight.

We invite you to participate in our Twilight Survey.

If you are 18 or older, you can take our survey through this link: .

If you are under 18, you will need to ask the permission of your parent or guardian,

and s/he will be sent a code via email that will allow you to enter the survey. Please ask your

parent or guardian to email Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz at to

give their consent for you to participate and to receive the code. Once you have the code, you

can take our survey through this link: .

To repay your favor of filling out our survey, we will enter you into a lottery to win one of

three $50 Amazon gift cards. At the end of our data collection, we will randomly select three

participants to win the gift card.

On the survey, you will be asked to answer questions about your personality, relationship

history, your interpretation of the characters and relationships in the Twilight saga, your fan

activities, and your basic demographics. The entire survey should take about 20 minutes or so

to complete. Your participation is voluntary, and you are free to withdraw at any time.

The risks to participating in this research study are expected to be no greater than those

encountered in ordinary, everyday life. In fact, you have likely talked about the topics we will

ask you about with your friends or in online discussion forums. The benefits to participating in

this research study include the opportunity to get exposure to the research process and to take

part in an academic study that will contribute to the understanding of fans’ connection to


The data from this study will be kept anonymous. Your personal information, including your

name, will not be connected to the data you provide, unless you indicate at the end of the

survey that you would be willing to be interviewed over the phone or in person. Interviews

will be conducted at a later date.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the study, please contact us at If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant,

contact University of Missouri Campus Institutional Review Board at (573) 882-9585.

Thanks for your consideration!


Jennifer Stevens Aubrey, Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz, & Melissa Click
Assistant Professors of Communication
University of Missouri-Columbia


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