




Robert Pattinson Can't Cope、Robert Pattinson Has Some Crazy Fans........


Rob told OK magazine:

“There was a group of girls that left little notes in my car, outside of my apartment.

“One of the first notes said: I’m not weird, but please call me.

“The next day the note said: Please don’t ignore me.

“And the next day it said I’m going to kill myself if you keep ignoring me!

(but I’m not weird, ok?).”


Robert Pattinson Can't Cope

Robert Pattinson struggles to cope when gangs of girls start screaming at him.(掙扎著適應尖叫)He doesn't really enjoy the big planned Twilight events.(他不喜歡

Rob explained to The Mirror: "Every single time I get so nervous and have cold sweats - I doubt that I am ready. (他流冷汗

"I started crying in Italy, completely involuntarily." (他還哭了

The idea of Rob breaking down will upset his fans. They don't want him to feel so stressed and worried. Maybe things will get better in time and Rob should find promoting New Moon a lot easier.



然後他還要被逼著咬Tyra Banks這個瘋女人!






連作者S. Meyer也來落井下石,說出這種沒人性的話:

Stephenie Meyer's fears for Robert Pattinson

Stephenie Meyer knew that Robert Pattinson would find things tough once Twilight hit cinemas.

She told Entertainment Weekly: "There is going to be a group of girls who will follow his actions from now on.

Stephenie didn't think he was ready to be the real life Edward Cullen.

She added: "I asked the producer, 'Is Rob ready for this? Have you guys prepped him? Is he ready to be the It Guy?'

"I don't think he really is. I don't think he sees himself that way.

"And I think the transition is going to be a little rocky."




最近,連他最大的fansite也一起倒大楣,Pattinson Online整個掛掉了!

What's Happening?
The internets have ganged up on us and are now trying to beat us silly. We've sure had our share of bad luck lately, but the latest adventure is a massive hardware failure on our server which has caused us to have to rebuild the entire website on a new server. (Believe me, we're even more frustrated that you are.) We've lost about 2 months' worth of data, but we should be able to recover most of it. Unfortunately, we'll probably be down for a few days, but rest assured that we're working around the clock to get this resolved.

The good news: You can still get the latest Rob updates at our LiveJournal community, and you can follow our progress on Twitter (which may be filled with weeping and gnashing of teeth). Also, we will update the links below as sections of the site become available. We hope that this downtime will not last longer than a few days (hopefully less!). Thanks for your continued patience with us. :)





以下是Pattinson Online今天的最新消息:(哇,失去整整兩個月的資料!我都想哭了。真慘!)

As you can see, the website is back, but it’s a bit of a mess. We’re still working on getting all sections up and running, but for now you can at least access the site. For those who are still wondering what happened, the condensed version is that there was a massive hardware failure on our server and we’ve had to rebuild everything from scratch.

The good news is that we’re back, the bad news is that we’ve lost all of our data from December up to now, which includes posts, layout changes, updated pages, etc. (We cried a few tears over this, we’ll admit it.) Two months is a very long time in fansite years (they’re kind of like dog years), so we’re feeling the loss, but we’re doing as much as we can to get the site back on its feet as soon as possible.

The biggest loss for the site is the media archive, which has to be completely reinstalled and all 300+ videos added back manually. This is a huge project and it could be a while before the archive is 100% back to normal. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this mess has caused our visitors. Members will be receiving extra time added onto their current membership to compensate for the downtime.

Thank you so much for your patience with us. We value each and every one of you and it means so much to us that you keep coming back and supporting us even through all these messes. We appreciate it more than we can say!

Joy, Isabel, & Tara





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