
有人知道嗎?這是鼎鼎大名的Patty本人嗎?Rob 的 One True Love?


Robert Pattinson Sends a Valentine's Day Wish
Twilight heartthrob sends a shout-out to his one true love


Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson has said he isn't dating anyone at the moment,

but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a Valentine's Day sweetheart.

Rob, who has mentioned how much he misses his dog Patty whenever he's away from his

hometown of London, sent a V-Day shout-out to her last year.  The adorable Patty, a female

West Highland white terrier, appears to be the one true love of Rob's life.

The West Highland Terrier lives with Rob's parents in London so Rob only manages

to see her every few months.


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